Rhyme 01

I’ve hidden you somewhere, in between all these words,

Deep in a sentence, where you’ll never be heard.

Figures of speech for you to get lost in

Forests of metaphors on the edge of nothing.

Now please wait there, until I return.

Holding an ‘A’ or pushing an ‘N’

In between two ‘E’s the sun always shines,

Sit back in an ‘O’, and write me some rhymes.

Run alone through these fields of Ts

Careful to not disturb any Bs

To tickle your hearing, I’ll write you some birds

I’ll write the word ‘bed’ in a house of words

I hope you will lay there, as I am arriving

With so many rhymes now you could keep citing

But first, I’ll make sure all will be fine,

I’ll write everything in, and then unwrite time.

There in a sentence, we will both be

On unawares lips, just you and just me


Poem 02


Poem 01